  • DET Code : bset
  • College Code : bset
  •   +91-9437062282,8280730451
  •   bsetberhampur@gmail.com

a) Procedure for admission along with starting & ending RANK of last 2 years-Attached (Annexure-9)
b) Admission figure of last 2 years (Details branch / category wise)-Attached (Annexure-10(A))
c)Pass out figure of last 2 years with placement details-Attached (Annexure-10(B))

Mention the admission test being followed, name and address of the Test Agency and its
URL (Website) www.dtetorissa.gov.in
Diploma Engineering students are admitted from the merit list of D.T.E&T (through D.T.E&T counseling), Orissa.
D.T.E&T (Orissa), State Council for Technical Education, BBSR, Orissa.
Website: www.sctevtorissa.in
No of seats allotted to different test qualified candidates separately
Preference is given to fill all seats from D.T.E&T, Orissa.
Calendar for admission against management/ vacant seat:
Not yet clarified by Government.
-->Describe each criteria with its respective weightages i.e. Admission test, marks in qualifying examination etc.
-->Merit basis
-->Mention the minimum level of acceptance, if any A student should pass in 10th standard exam
-->Mention the cut-off levels of percentage & Percentile scores of the candidates in the
admission test for the last three years.
As decided by DTE&T
-->Display marks scored in test etc and in aggregate for all candidates who were admitted
The DTE&T,Odisha does not display the marks scored by the candidates.
APPLICATION FORM:- Downloaded application forms with on line submission possibilities both option will be available from month of March of every year.
Documents Required:-

College Leaving Certificate (CLC)/School Leaving Certificate (SLC)and Conduct Certificate in original from the Institution last attended.
Xerox copies of all Certificates and Marksheets.
Caste Certificate for CS/ST candidates in original.
Migration Certificate if applicable.
3-Passport size Photographs and 2 Stamp size Photographs
Original Certificates and Marksheets of all examinations are essential for verification.
DET Rank Card.

The Institute is approved by the AICTE and promoted by the managing committee members of Pushpalata Educational Charitable Trust,Bhubaneswar, and Orissa.The Skill, Expertise and experiences obtained by the managing committee membersSince many years inspired to build a value based technical

at par with national standard is the main motto and mission. The institution believes in values, culture, and discipline and quality education along with all round development of aspiring and promising technocrats